Friend Fiction: A Black Hole at the Assylum Bar Chapter #2: "Buzzer" By: MR. OMAR KING



Inside the Ladies Bathroom, two young nurses (Rachel and Bridgette) plastering red lipstick; blue eye 

shadow makeup on their fair soft faces in front of a mirror, chatting and what not. They are getting 

themselves ready to go out and about to have a good time out at the bar or some other joints were young 

folks hang out these days in 94'. Sometimes they like to sneak out at night and catch a concert. Or go to 

the mall and grab themselves a fat cheeseburger and stuff their mouth in and drink themselves a Coke 

or Pepsi: all the while sneaking out having their folks worried about them. Their lucky that they have parents 

that care about them. Some of them wouldn't bother to look for their teeny. They were too occupied with 

their afflictions and addictions. Sitting their behinds on the couch and watch dateline or Sally Jessy 

Raphael with a can a beer in their hand. Stepping to another dimension than the one they are in right now. 

Parental responsibilities. BUZZZZZZZZ! Rusty buzzer goes off interrupts one of the nurses from doing 

her face. And then another would go off and then another and another. On and off. Never ending. Buzzing and more buzzing. God, when is anybody going to fix that damn buzzer?! Are you thinking of fixing it, Bridgette? No. Then shut up and let me do my makeup. And then Bridgette would continue to do her makeup, but then that damn rusty sound would go off and on again. Never ending. I can't do this while this fecking thing is going off. I am leaving. WAIT A MINUTE! Why leave over a dumb buzzer? It's just buzzer. I can't concentrate when that thing is going on and off. I just can't do it. I won't do it here. And besides. I got to go. Need to go get me some food before it gets late. I need to eat, Rachel. BUZZZ! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING OF GETTING YOURSELF TO EAT!? BUZZZZZZ!! THE LOUDER IT GETS, THE MORE INTOLERABLE IT BECOMES FOR BRIDEGETTE! BUZZZZZZ! I DON'T KNOW, RACHEL; I'LL THINK OF A PLACE TO GO TO ON MY WAY OUT! BUZZZZZZZ! ALRIGHT THEN, DRIVE SAFE! BUZZZZZZZ! I WILL!!  BUZZZZZZZ!!!!! CALL ME WHEN YOU GET HOME!!!! BUZZZZZZZ!!!! SURE!!! PROMISE!?!?! BUZZZZZZZZZ!!!!! ON MY MOMMA'S GRAVE I PROMISE!!!! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!! I'M COUNTING ON IT, BRDIGE!!!! BUZZZZZZZZzzzz!!! DON'T COUNT ON IT, JUST KNOW THAT I WILL CALL!!!!! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GIRLS SCREAMING ABOUT!!! YOU'RE BOTH MAKING THE PAITENTS IN THE ACTIVITIES ROOM UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!! WHAT DID YOU SAY, MISS BLOSSOM?!?! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!! I SAID THAT: YOU'RE MAKING THE PAITENTS IN THE OTHER ROOM "UNCOMFORTABLE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP ALL THAT SCREAMING AT ONCE!!!!!!!!! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........ And then the buzzer went off and the lady's bathroom would be silent again........... And the three nurses would look at each other with exhaustion and confusion. Are you girls, alright in here? Blossom, it was that damn buzzer again. Lurid promise to have that fixed. Why didn't he do anything about it? I don't know, Bridgette. I honestly don't know. You know how he is; he says one thing and doesn't follow through his word. You can never rely on him for anything. That's not true, Rachel. He's busy man with a tight schedule with him. He can only do so much at a time. He's only human. Oh, "sure" he is. And while we at it, we can call all the pigs and hogs stomping around human too. Now stop that talk at once, Rachel, that is no way for a young woman like you to talk in such rude manner, let alone in the bathroom of all places. Lighten up, Miss. You know it's true that Lurid is a pig. Low down dirty hog. All he wants to get down in some gal's skirts. And sniff. And once he is done with the deed he'll go after the next one and the next. It's quite sickening, to be frank. You're one to talk about sick when you got all that makeup on your face, was that you got in your hand? Coronation red lipstick. And you're calling people sick. Fascinating. Hey, don't judge me, old lady. We're making ourselves look pretty; a habit that you should be obtaining. Look at you. Not wearing any makeup. Your face is naked. It looks like it hasn't seen the sun in years. Pale as a ghost. Sagging cheek bones resembling Huckle Berry Hound. Old as shit. I'm 62. Ain't no man is going want to feck around with you looking like that. You're nothing.... Well, Rachel... I may be nothing to "you", but at least I can do a hell of a lot than you can ever imagine in that pretty little head of yours. And remind me, again, what is it that you do? I rather not say. Well, you were very vocal of my physical deficiency (particularly my looks) I want you to remind Bridgette and I what you do here? Rachel kept her mouth shut, staring at Blossom with hate in her eyes. I thought so. So, whenever you have something to say about something/somebody, think about it before spewing it out. What would your mother say if she heard you talk disrespectfully like that to an adult, one much older and with authority. Please, the only authority you have is the power to wipe these lunatic's shit, what power, old lady? You know what, I had enough of this shit; let's go Bridgette. What? You want to come with me and get some supper? Yeah, I am in the mood of whatever crap you're having. Well, I was getting myself some Thai food. EVEN BETTER! Have fun with your loneliness, old lady. BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz z z z z z z z z z z  zz zz z z  z   z z z   z............ 

Blossom stood between the frame of the mirror. Looking at herself, searching for that dog face (Huckle Berry Hound) that Rachel was spouting about. Wrinkles. All she could see was wrinkles on her face. Lines tracing to another. She felt embarrassed. She was ashamed. It was true. She is old.  What can she do about it? Nothing at all. She cannot change time; she can't go back, nor move forward. All she could do is live or exist. Live or exist? Even though life is passing by, and life and death is close to creep up on her. It is not for her to decide these things. It's not anybody to decide. She would have to let it run its course. But what is time in the Asylum? What is day light or night? In the Asylum, nothing passes out or in. Either you're live it or not. And I would rather live than be goddamn vegetable. Hush your mouth, Michelle! It's the truth, Georgie! I am telling every word that is coming from my heart and transporting it to my brain and then vocalizing it. We are frozen in time in this dome; this grey palace, we call the "Assylum". Don't you forget to take your meds before eating your supper, Michelle? FECK THOSE MEDICATIONS! All it does is make my brains rot. I feel like a bowl of Jell-O when I am on those meds the doctor distributes. You must follow the doctor's orders. No, I won't do it, Georgie! It's Nurse Georgie to you, ma'am. I am much older than you are, lady, I can call you by your first name all I want. Now don't go over yourself, Michelle. Remember, you are in the Asylum, you're an inmate/patent, you do as we instruct you to do. If I tell you to refer to me as "Nurse Georgie"/"Miss Georgie", you do that, you understand me, old woman? Suck on my left nipple, bitch. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! I understood every word you said, I was just fecking with you, girl. You sure didn't seem like you were. I'm fancying myself to be an actress, you know. Really? Not at all, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! Can you imagine me as actress, I would just barf looking at the site of me, just barf. I mean, you really fooled me there, Michelle. Wouldn't be bad idea if you read some lines for our plays. Always nice seeing you as the tree, but we both know you can be the leading lady up stage. Oh sure, Georgie, I might even win a "Tony" for it. Get real, lady, it ain't going to happen. I like my roles as the "tree", I like it, I don't have to move, say a word, and can fart peacefully in one place. Michelle, really. I mean, I'm being frank with you. There is more to life as playing a "tree" than be a leading lady. Look at the last leading lady we had running this country. That Nancy Davis (It's Reagan) whatever her name isn't worth squat in my book. If you ask me, I think she is a communist, just like her husband. I am glad they are out office. They're not American enough in my book. Not like me. I know what America is. I knew it the moment I came out of my momma's snatch that women and men ain't shit until fit proven. I am America, or I was until I came here. Now... Now, I'm just a stupid old woman. I don't think you're stupid, perhaps, crazy, but not stupid. Just misunderstood, that's all. That's kind of you to butter me up like that. Just like Rachel said to me in the bathroom, I'm "old". Don't listen to those young folks, they don't know anything until they get to our age. They'll be in our same position and then feeling sorry for themselves and then regret ever calling you "old" and "ugly". Yeah, Blossom, forget about what them whores say about you, they're just "whores", they don't know SHITE! Michelle! Butt OUT! NO, Georgie. I am older than the both of you, you should take my advice than leave it. They won't know shit until life hits in the face. Even if they're being hit in the face, they'll never understand! What is the use of it, if they're not going to get it? BUZZZ!!...... Damn that buzzer! Why the hell it hasn't been fixed yet?! What's taking the board of directors so long with them funds?! Who knows? That damn thing is gonna be the death of us at some point, just you wait and see.......... BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz...... Too much noise for the evening is going make soar and restless for the rest of the night. Somebody is gonna have to do something about it, eventually. BUZZ! BUZZ!!! BUZZZ!!! BUZZZZ!!!!!!!  BUZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzZzzZz ZZzZZZzZ z ZZZZZzz !!!


BRYAN! JESSICA!!!! WHAT ARE YOU BOTH DOING PLAYING WITH THAT BUZZER!?!? What buzzer? We were playing with this button. So, it was both of you pushing that button to set the buzzer off. Step away from the voltage room, at once! I have no choice to let Miss Georgie what you both been doing. To be honest, I thought I'd catch Franny on the act, messing around with that buzzer. But never thought it would be both of you. I am disappointed in the both of you. Please, Nurse Gerri, don't be mad at us, we were only playing. That's all. Only playing - only playing, you say, Bryan. Do you know the noise you caused for the patents in the activities room. Got em' all worked up for nothing! One was jumping up and down like a monkey; another one covered her ears and hiding under the desk, thinking that she was in an earthquake, that she was gonna be killed. And Daniel banging on the cage by the window, screaming nonsense: HELP! HELP! I'M STUCK IN THE GODDAMN ELEVATOR! FOR CHRISSAKES, HELP ME! HELP ME!! I WANT TO LIVE! You both caused chaos for those people in the activities room.  What do you have to say for yourselves?!... Won't do it again?

I mean, I can't believe it?! How could Bryan and Jessica have access to the high-voltage room? Who were surprised? Not a soul, I guess. Yeah, I know what you mean, miss "sour-puss".  It never crossed my mind that it would be those two. You just never know who's safe these days. Yup. But what's done is done. All we could do is try to prevent them from going near that room and that damn BUZZER! Amen. So, have you talked to Lurid about the Halloween party? Nah, I haven't, Gerr. The man didn't give me a chance to speak in depth about it. He was jerk as always. What? What he said this time? He said things he shouldn't be saying, and perhaps I shouldn't stoop to his level. The man is a scum bag, so of course you're going to be like one. Amen to that, Gerr. So, anyway, you want to finish looking through that playgirl magazine with me. We only have a couple minutes until we clock off. Eh, what the hell, I don't see why not. Atta girl! BUZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz...............


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